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This Tax Hurts Poor People the Most
POOR PEOPLE CAN’T BUY WEALTH: High taxes hurt the lower and middle class
PNP Transmission Attacks Ms. Charles| Poverty Drops Significantly| Dayton Campbell’s Food TAX??
Tim Walz's 'aggressive' gas tax hikes hurts the 'poorest of the poor', says Minnesota lawmaker
Paul Ryan's New Budget Helps Rich, Hurts Poor
Richards on How LBJ's Great Society Hurts the Poor
Gov Mike Huckabee on Why FAIRtax Does NOT hurt the poor
Pierre Poilievre: Canada's Donald Trump?
Yaël Ossowski Interview on Savannah TV: Vaping Tax Hurts Poor Consumers
Ben Sasse: Overregulation Hurts the Poor
KRISTIN TATE: Big city taxes & regulations are hurting poor Americans the most!
Herb Peters 2010 - How the Deficit and Inflation Hurt the Poor